Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Hi guys, this time lets meet with a new worm called U3ROM.EXE to know how to remove by protecting ur system...
Symptoms :
1. Unable to open ur drives
2. Drives open under 'open with' window.
3.The worm attaches to all the removable drives you attach to your system.
Heal :
First of all log in as administrator or an user who has admin rights.
1. Jst open task manager and terminate all the wscript.exe, u3rom.exe and explorer.exe processes.
2. In task manager goto Applications -> file -> new task and enter "cmd"  and hit enter.
3. Goto all the drives  root directory and delete the file named "u3rom.exe" and now check over all the drives again for sure.
4. Similarly in task manager goto Applications -> file -> new task and enter "regedit" and hit enter.
5. Here, search for u3rom.exe and delete all the keys/folders you get and jst re-check it again if there are any keys that have not been deleted due to some restrictions.
Thats all u made it..
Jst re-start ur system and find its gone..

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Using at command to jump and access system account

Hi, have you ever heard of a system account like admin account in Windows OS ?
Yeah,  Some of you.. do u know its advantages ..? better know it soon if u wanna become an expert in Windows OS... There are a lots of bt my point here is not that and how to jump into and access the system account..
So, lets see how this works..
1. Goto start-> run enter cmd and hit enter.
2.Goto task manager and terminate the explorer.exe process.
3. In command prompt enter "at \\computername time /interactive explorer.exe"
Note that the time should be a minute or two ahead of now to see the results immediately.
As the time rolls out, you would find the explorer.exe process shows up automatically by its own but in a different way i.e. installing windows media player and other outlook settings and else as it would happen when you create a new user. By this you can jst chk out that you have already jumped into system account of Windows OS which the most powerful account (than admin) having all the rights / privileges...
4. All the other windows and tasks which are open will stay intact and now if you open any new application or file they now open under system privileges.
Thats it you are done... :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nokia Connect to Internet (Use ur Nokia Phone as a Modem)

More to discuss featuring Nokia --- i.e. to use your Nokia Phone as a Modem...
jst install and open the PC Suite and click on connect to internet...
But there the thing lies...   Settings....

How do u get the settings ?
1. You have them ??--- No Problem
2. Donot have them ??--- Surely there lies the problem---- Dont ever ask the customer care to send the settings for u to use the internet on ur phone... they wouldnt send u--- and say blah blah blah...
3. Search on the internet @ ---hehe u r here itself dude...

Now we are gonna post some settings regarding a few networks for gprs....
u can manually enter these settings into your phone and send an sms to ur network operator to jst enable GPRS on ur mobile and start browsing/ downloading...

In your Phone
Menu--->Tools--->Settings-->Connection--->access points-->options--->new access point --->>
Reliance GSM GPRS Settings( India) :
Connection Name : Mobile World
Access Point Name :rcomwap
Data bearer: packet data
username : none
password : none
prompt password : no
authentication : secure
homepage :
Now goto options-->Advanced Settings
Network Type :IPv4

Phone IP Address : Automatic
Name Servers : Automatic
proxy server address :
proxy port :8080

When u access the internet in the pc using ur phone as  a modem then the settings in Connect to the internet in Nokia PC Suite in ur PC:

Access Point Name: rcomnet
rest settings are blank by default and let leave them as so....

Tata Docomo GPRS Settings(India): 
Conn. Name : Tata Docomo Internet
Data Bearer : Packet Data
Access Ponit Name :Tata.Docomo.Internet
Authentication : normal
Rest all Settings are by default...

Uninor GPRS:
Conn. name: UninorGPRS
Data Bearer : Packet Data
Access Point Name : Uninor
Authentication : Normal
All the rest settings are by default....