Saturday, August 2, 2008

protectfile.vbs --- en emergency virus to be removed...

hey pupil, my system have been recently affected with a virus protectfile.vbs, i tried a lot of ways on my system and searched it even and at last found a way to remove it...
and I present it here to u to help urself when ur system gets affected...
In the first stages it affects ur drive
it itself copies to all the drives in my system and ejects my dvd drive and causes problem while using the drive...
later.. it disables u to open ur system drives...
so, it has to be removed immediately from ur system..
here's the way..
go to task manager kill the processes explorer and wscript.exe(if available)
now go to applications tab and press new task
enter cmd in the cmd go to the drive c:\
enter del /f/q/a protectfile.vbs
and del /f/q/a autorun.inf
and now go to c:\windows\system32
and enter del /f/q/a secureguard.vbs
now u have deleted all the infected files in ur system
and now goto
regedit and search for protectfile.vbs and delete all the files with this name
and again search for the secureguard.vbs
and u have to modify it as in the path del only"c:\windows\system32\secureguard.vbs... and let the other part of the path be there alive..
and restart ur system
thats all u r done...!!!!!!!!

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